River Run Network Restoration Workshop: Tanque Verde Arundo


8:30 a.m., Jan. 2, 2022

Come get your hands dirty and help remove Arundo donax (aka Arundo) from Tanque Verde Creek! We are working on a stretch of the river that has seasonal flows, and you may see flow at a workshop! Arundo is a highly flammable invasive plant that crowds out native plants and habitat along creeks and rivers and increases fire danger. Join Jim Washburne, PhD, WMG's Sr. Project Specialist, to learn about and take action to remove Arundo donax (Giant cane) from our watersheds!

This event is organized through WMG’s River Run Network. If you are not yet a member, we will add you to the Network when you register for this event. RRN membership is free and gives you access to a variety of virtual, dispersed, and physically distanced events including creek walks, restoration activities, river clean-ups, and educational workshops.

Eradicate Arundo Tanque Verde Challenge!

If you attend three, you earn one of our stylish RRN t-shirts that you can wear with pride. Attend four or more workshops and you get invited to our exclusive Pop-Up Picnic. The Pop-Up Picnic will happen Saturday, April 16th along one of our favorite creek stretches in Tucson. We'll pick the spot, bring the food, and set up everything for a delightful creek-side experience.

