Wetland Preservation and Stewardship


11:30 a.m., Jan. 14, 2021

Join us for an online workshop in partnership with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy!

This webinar is part of a series of webinars highlighting wetlands regulation in Michigan. “Wetland Preservation and Stewardship” will highlight EGLE’s Wetland Mitigation Program with an emphasis on preserving and managing exceptional quality wetlands. Participants will learn the history of wetland preservation projects as well as recent advances in steward, long term management and funding through endowments.

One of the primary purposes of this webinar is to start the discussion on how permit applicants, regulators and conservancies can work together to achieve conservation and protection of unique wetland resources in Michigan. Presenters will include Michael Pennington (EGLE’s Wetland Mitigation Specialist), Jeff Bridgland (EGLE’s Conservation Easement Coordinator) and Mitch Lettow (Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy Director). Mitch will close the presentation highlighting stewardship of SWMLC’s Tamarack Swamp Preserve.

Registration: https://stewardshipnetwork.salsalabs.org/wetland_preservation_and_stewa…