Spring plant sale


9 a.m., May 1, 2021

Join us for a special spring plant sale to shop our nursery and stock up on native plants for your landscapes!

We will be offering Salvia amissa, or Santa Catalina Mountain Sage, 1 gallons for just $8 during our plant sale. Patagonia Plants will be on hand selling veggie starts, and Shooting Star Pottery will have beautiful handmade pottery. We will also have amazing cut flower arrangements from the Patagonia Flower Farm!

Come shop the most comprehensive native plant nursery in SE AZ and find unique, chemical-free, and pollinator-friendly native plants not found in box stores.

With declining rains in general, a poor 2020 monsoon season followed by a dry winter, what you plant in your landscape is all the more important. Development, climate change, and other factors impact nectar and habitat availability in the Sky Islands. As individual gardeners, you can plant with a purpose by filling your spaces with native plants that are critical food and habitat sources for the abundance of birds, bees, moths, butterflies, and other animals that make the Sky Islands one of the most biologically diverse and recognized hotspots in the world.

Restoring native flora and habitat is a key piece of the Borderlands Restoration Network mission and one we enthusiastically invite you to participate in!

Come shop our native plant nursery and support the ongoing ecological restoration work of Borderlands Restoration Network.

Masks and social distancing required. The number of people in the nursery at one time will be monitored to ensure safety.

Founders Circle and Restoration Society members receive 10% off of purchases.

Visit www.borderlandsrestoration.org/donate for full details and to join.

Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/723466038351083