Food-Energy-Water Solutions: Agrivoltaics at Biosphere 2

April 6, 2021

Water, land, energy, and food insecurity are becoming substantial issues as climate change and rising global populations increasingly strain the world's agricultural infrastructure. Researchers at the Biosphere 2 (B2) are investigating a promising new practice known as agrivoltaics to alleviate these problems. Agrivoltaics is a mash-up term to describe the symbiotic relationship that can exist between agriculture and photovoltaics (solar panels). As the solar panels shade the plants below, a cool microclimate is created that minimizes evaporative water loss. In turn, this microclimate cools the solar panels above resulting in more efficient electrical generation. Ongoing research suggests that agrivoltaics may lead to larger yields as the plants are guarded against excessive solar radiation. Agrivoltaics also makes dual use of precious land acreage, allowing energy and food production to share the same space! In particular, agrivoltaics has the potential to benefit arid and dry locations as water loss and sun scorching pose significant problems to crop production. The Biosphere 2 Argirivoltaics Learning Lab offers an ideal location for gathering data on agrivoltaics given its position in the Sonoran desert. As part of the B2 tour, visitors can come see agrivoltaics in action and learn more about how it works. In the coming months, B2 plans to begin involving its guests in the agrivoltaics data collection process. Through a program known as citizen science, visitors will be able to engage in the scientific process helping researchers collect valuable data such as fruit size, plant health, and more. Be on the lookout for updates to the Agrivoltaics Learning Lab on B2 social media.