Restoration Management Goals
It is often not possible or practical to return many disturbed sites to their original biotic and abiotic features; restoration goals, instead, tend to focus on the maintenance of ecosystem processes and the provision of ecosystem services[1]. Knowing your restoration goals will help you develop an effective restoration design and make species choice much easier.
Biodiversity Enhancement
Increase the number and type of plant and animal species at your site in order to enhance almost every conceivable ecosystem service you can think of!
Erosion Control
Habitats cannot get or stay healthy without proper maintenance of topsoil to support plant and animal life. Keep soil in place!
Forage Production
Restoration and grazing can mix! Get plants on the ground that livestock love to eat.
Pollinator Habitat
Bees! Butterflies! Bats! Everyone loves pollinators! Show them some love by providing ideal habitat.
Soil Rehabilitation
Enhance soil's capacity to hold onto water, cultivate plant life, cycle nutrients and sequester carbon.
Weed Exclusion
Many studies have shown that ecological restoration is a critical component of an effective weed management strategy. Use restoration to minimize invasive plant species.
Wildlife Habitat
Animals need plants for browse and grazing, shade, nesting and protection from predators. Provide ideal habitat for animals of all types and stripes.